

The Ashtabula Police Department, Ohio State Highway Patrol and the Ashtabula Sheriff Department all issue traffic citations through this court. All minor misdemeanors are waiverable. Traffic Court is every Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Magistrate David Sheldon hears traffic court. All waivers can be paid during our office hours and after hours and on the weekend at the dispatch window at the Ashtabula Police Department.

The traffic number: 440- 992-7112

If you fail to make a payment as scheduled, we will issue a bench warrant, forfeit your license and we will also send you to a collection agency where an additional 30% is charged.

Judge, Laura DiGiacomo

If you are here to appear in traffic or criminal court, first report to the check in counter. Cases will be called in the order the person has checked in.

Bring in proof of insurance, be sure to show the deputy clerk or you could lose your license for 90 days.

The Judge and/or Magistrate will advise you of your rights and pleas that are available to you. Your pleas are as follows:

Not Guilty – if you plead not guilty and request a pre-trial, your case will be continued to a later date. By requesting a pre-trial, your time limits are waived. Your pre-trial will be set within 90 days. At your pre-trial date you will be able to discuss your case with the Prosecutor. If you are not satisfied on that day a trial date will be set. The Judge will set bond at this time and a pre-trial will be set and notice will be given to you. If you do not want to waive your time limits your case will then be set for trial.

No Contest – if you plead no contest, you are admitting the facts of the case are true but a admission cannot be used against you in any civil lawsuit (in an accident case). If you waive your evidentiary hearing this will be handled in the same manner as a guilty plea, and you will be sentenced.

Guilty – if you plead guilty, you waive certain rights and the court will hear your case immediately. You will be allowed to explain any circumstances that you feel the court should take into consideration before sentencing.

If you are charged with a jailable offense and you cannot afford an attorney you may ask the Judge to appoint legal aid. At that time an indigency form will be given to you to fill out.

You may pay your fine/bond by cash or credit card. If a payment agreement is signed be sure you follow the agreement or the Bureau of Motor Vehicles will cancel your license until payment is made in full. A warrant block on your registration will be issued.

If you have questions please ask the deputy Clerks at the window.